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10-10-14 Esa conversacion con Antonieta Sosa en San Bernandino
06_10_14 Conversando con Rolando Pena en la av. miguelangel
02-13-15 los regalos de nelson copy
02-26-15 _Consuelo introduced me to the medicine Cards_ copy
01-12-15 _That time Lisa Lawley fed me sushi_
12-20-14 visiting barbara's apartment
0328 duanstudio
09-04-15 _Perdoname las politicas de inclusion son complicadas_
03-07-15 miguelgutierrez
02-02-15 _Hanging Together_

Interviewing Mentors

Watercolor on paper, 14 in x 11 in.


This category comprises drawings of  intimate moments and spaces shared with some of my mentors-idols from 2014- to the present.

They include conversations with:

-Antonieta Sosa (Venezuela)

-Rolando Peña (Venezuela)

-Nelsón Garrido (Venezuela)

-Consuelo Mendez (Venezuela)

-Lisa Lawley (U.S.A)

-Barbara Shaum (U.S.A)

-Duan Qilai (China)

-Guillermo Gomez Peña (U.S.A)

-Miguel Gutierrez (U.S.A)​ ( U.S.A)

-Xandra Ibarra (La Chica Boom) (U.S.A)




© 2024 JoseJoaquinFigueroa

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