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05-01-15 The Creek
05-01-15 nap
04-29-2016 the pond we meet again
05-03-15 mayhole
05-01-2016 words of the prophet
05-03-15 grandfather
High tea Groundswell Institute
04-30-2016 tea party
05-02-15 _Groundswells Glow Maypole_
05-02-15 after beltane
04-30-2016 around the kitchen
05-01-2016 you have a talent for performance parties
05-01-2016 late night kiki
03-04-16 queeriosities cab
03-04-16 queeriosities cab filetia


Watercolor on paper, various sizes.


This category chronicles drawings made in different gatherings organized by Groundswell institute: a sustaining space for the LGBTQ community and their allies located north of San Francisco in California

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