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Yet Another Wonderland  Multimedia installation (2013)

Yet Another Wonderland (2013) is a four-channel video installation built through the scope of the metaphysical space, “Heaven”. Mascot costumes inspired by South American, Native and Indian mythologies; hyperreal landscapes; interviews with a priest, a shamanism professor, an art curator and my therapist; and trance-inducing music mash up in this series as an attempt to create a fictional theme park that explodes basic epistemological categories that separate the aesthetic from the everyday, the sacred from the profane.

Exhibition Poster. 11 in x 17 in  

Display tables
Yare Devil drag
Gift store
T-shirts close up
Installation view
Exhibition view
Costume #3
Costume #2
Costume #4
Installation view
Gate keepers Waterfall
Installation view
Costume #1
Installation view

Exhibition Gallery. 7 East 7th street,  New York.

Costume #1. 7:53 video in collaboration with my therapist Diane Nadler



Left: Exhibition sketch. 11x 14 in watercolor paper Right: Costume fittings. Polaroid  tests

Costume #3 Video still gif

Commodifying the sacred, 48 in x 36 in archival print.


Holy Cards (souvenirs) / Recuerditos

Costume #4. 6:16 video in collaboration with Gabriela Rangel.

Yet Another Wonderland posters in West Oakland. 36 in x 24 in. 




© 2024 JoseJoaquinFigueroa

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